Why do nails peel off?

The detachment of false nails can also be linked to errors in the application protocol. To find out, first observe how the nails are performing? Today, the nail supply expert Maryton will tell you why do nails peel off.
The peeling of the nails can be either your fault and due to lack of experience and practice, or due to your client. Playing, touching or constantly putting your nails in your mouth weakens the capsules and can lead to detachment.
To avoid any detachment:
• The size of the capsule must be well chosen.
• The natural nail must be well prepared, the cuticles must be pushed back and any film removed.
• There must be no protrusions on the skin! The slightest excess on the skin will cause the capsule to detach.
Whether the detachment is your fault or that of your client, if you are a beginner, it is preferable to remain humble and offer the pose to your client. In addition, I also advise you to invest in a complete professional manicure set to care for your nails!
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