5 tips to simplify your life with long nails

You will feel uncomfortable when you have long nails, especially do housework or every daily activity. Don’t worry! In this article, your expert nail supplier Maryton will give you 5 simple tips to eliminate these disadvantages!

1. Retrieve a flat object safely with long fingernails

When you have long nails, the simple things of taking your credit card from the floor or taking your coins from the table can sometimes get difficult. To do this, place your index finger flat on the end of your card or coin, then help yourself with the index finger of your other hand by lifting the object from below.

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2. Apply cream without putting it under the nails

Fluids and materials lodge very easily under our manicure. To avoid this, especially when using your favorite moisturizer, simply take the product with the top of the nail, and not from below as we naturally do.

3. Retrieving your credit card from the ATM with long fingernails

The situation of the card stuck in the dispenser is one of the most inconvenient in this area. To avoid it, a tip: tweezers or the use of specialized pliers with rubber edges. The perfect option to extract your card effortlessly!

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4. Pushing a button with long fingernails

Pushing a button when you have long nails can be more complicated than it seems. To overcome this problem, by bending your index finger, the bone part will care for the button press without any risk of injury!

5. Open a soda can with long fingernails

In the world of manicure, nails should not be used as tools. To avoid any inconvenience, take a flat object like a knife, then slide it under the opening ring. Raise the cover of the metal cap, and you’re done.

We hope you enjoy this article! In addition to these, I advise you to invest in a complete manicure kit! To help you in your choice, I invite you to visit our website.

Read also: Everything you need to know about false nails

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