Padmate PaMu Scroll Completely Upgraded PaMu Scroll Plus

Padmate PaMu Scroll Plus is a model developed from the first PaMu Scroll. The battery can be used up to 6 hours and the case can be recharged 2 times for a total of 18 hours, and inside the box is also a wireless charging adapter. There have been improvements in the Bluetooth connection to the aptX, aptx LL receiver, which causes very little delay. Therefore can be relieved if going to play games or watch movies.
As for the sound, it was also upgraded. By providing a large-volume bass, sound medium impact, down to modest depth. Not disturbing other neighborhood, sounds cries out in a thick, comfortable listening. Slightly backward away from the instrument. The treble midrange still gives clear musical details. The sound details are still coming to be heard. The sharp end can sound far enough, looks like a round head, can listen for a long time, definitely not tired. Which can listen to a wide range of music including POP, Rock, Metal, R&B or Acoustic, Bossa can listen comfortably.
For the “Padmate PaMu Scroll Plus“, it is considered to have improved from the original version. With more batteries, better Bluetooth support, much less delay, and a wider sound quality that can listen to music. The one making is a true wireless that should be used.

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