Choosing the shape of nails according to your hands

Round nails, square, rounded square, almond… It’s hard to find your way around the different possible nail shapes. To help you, the nail expert Maryton will show you the different nail shapes in this guide. Read on!
What shape should you choose for your nails?
You must first observe the shape of your hands, your fingers, as well as the anatomy of your nails. Thanks to all the characteristics that you have noted, you will be able to more easily determine which shape of nails for your hands suits you best.
So, what nail shape should you choose? First, you need to understand nail shapes, their pros and cons, which hands they are best suited for, and how to achieve them.
But that’s not all, also take into account your tastes (especially), your activities, your job as well as the layout and nature of your nails. In other words, what is the most practical and aesthetic for you: long nails or short nails?
How do you file your nail shape properly?
First of all, make sure you have the right equipment and therefore choose your nail file carefully (we recommend the electric nail file which allows you to file gently).
Know what shape you want to give your nail before you start. Always file according to the shape of your nail and not that of your finger, which may be slightly deformed.
Regarding the length, you can decide depending on whether you plan to wear your nails bare or with varnish most of the time. If you opt for nail polish, consider the length of your free edge in relation to the edge of your finger, because the length of the nail plate can vary depending on the fingers.
To do your manicure, never go back and forth, always go in the same direction to avoid splitting or weakening your nails.
What shape of nails did you choose? Did you choose according to the shape of your hands?